Friday, June 09, 2006

The many faces of my fallible mind

I seek some silence.

The sound of unruly cars, grating tyres and incessant horn is pounding my heart. I move into an inner lane and I now hear the sound of a hundred lips, lisping mundane tales. I dont want to listen to them, I dont want to be voyeuristic, but I cant seem to help it.I move away and the cell begins to ring.Sometimes mine, but sometimes others' and I cant do anything but listen as the words waft everywhere , except reach a listener.I shut my ears tight.....I still hear sounds. The songs played last night still ring in my ears. I seek some silence.

I shut myself in four walls, plug my ears and wait. Is this silence...I can slowly discern the rasping movements like the soft sounds inside an overgrown shell . I am vexed.

Images begin to flood my mindscape, randomly seize fertile space and grow. The scaffolding builds rapidly and overwhelms me. I need some quiet..I need some silence.

I look into the mirror and I seem to know it. It is right here, in my mind.

1 comment:

The One said...

Silence seems to becoming a luxury with the evolution of humanity...If only..