Sunday, February 02, 2014

So long and see you on the other side!

Thank you dear reader, dear fellow blogger, dear accidental visitor and dear person redirected from the Russian furniture site. Its been a pleasure writing for you and the feedback has been heartwarming. A certain audience will of course continue to bemoan, the lack of futons and sales on living room storage. Sorry for the inconvenience, perhaps some day I can cater to you. As it turns out, this blog has run its course and I am pulling the curtains on it.

I started writing here, sometime in 2006, when I was still a teen and without citing any numbers, I will say that, that was a long time ago. My worldview has drastically changed since then. I have tried to grapple with it, as one does with growing up and I now yield.

 As an undergrad, I was so sure of things. I knew what I wanted, why and how to get it. I was convinced that if I stuck to the plan and if everything worked out, I would be happy. The problems were always, in my mind, extraneous and the struggle was to bring everything back to the dotted line. Much of the what was posted in this blog reflects this attitude. It has gradually dawned on me that I know very little. Even about myself, especially about myself. There is very little I can do to control my environment and the struggles are largely internal.

The not knowing, the randomness and the smudged-blurred organization of life activities has been hard to understand, yet makes for an exhilarating journey. I am trying to find my voice and a friendly space where I can belong. The past is absorbed, digested and is now muscle. My interest is in what comes next.

So here it is. As a record of the times past, I am retiring  'A Time Called Today'. Not that I blogged vociferously, had thousands waiting on my word and now I am leaving everyone unsure about how the dragons got to the mainland, what happened in winter and who got the throne. That is someone else. This is a ceremonial piece, if you will. And a private one, if anything.

Goodbye! And by the way, you can now read me at

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